Javier Hernandez is a DIY cartoonist and creator of such comics as El Muerto, Maniac Priest, and Weapon Tex-Mex, which he publishes under his own imprint, LOS COMEX. He is also the Associate Producer of the award-winning El Muerto live-action film adaptation and in 2011 I co-founded the Latino Comics Expo, the nation’s first convention dedicated to spotlighting Latino creators. He teaches comic book workshops throughout Los Angeles in schools and libraries.
- http://javzilla.com/
- https://www.facebook.com/Javier.F.Hernandez
- https://www.instagram.com/javierloscomex/
- https://twitter.com/JavierHernandez
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8yViVHkqwBxM8xl-GuJ-Dw